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Monday, July 6, 2015

Student Leaders and Journalists Has Been Inducted at Holy Angel University

Student Leaders and Journalist for School Year 2015-2016
University President Dr. Luis Maria R. Calingo led the induction ceremonies for student leaders and campus journalists last June 19 at the Chapel of the Holy Guardian Angel.
He exhorted the students "to work with a purpose, insist on integrity, never stop learning, never make excuses, embrace risk and uncertainty and resolve to stick with it."
An effective leader, he said, "is simply someone with a vision of a future who can sell it with others so that they see their role in it, and can organize enough people to make it real."
The officers of the University Student Council (USC), College Student Councils (CSCs) of the University's seven colleges, accredited organizations and College Electoral Board were inducted along with the editorial staffs of the Angelite and the student publications of the seven colleges.
The event was organized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) in partnership with the USC and the different student groups. It was followed by a "Welcome Freshmen" music concert also organized by the USC.

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