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Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Silly Love Story

Isn’t it funny how fate works, you wake up one day holding in your hands the kind of love you long been searching for only to find out that it wasn’t meant for you, that it only allowed you a glimpse of something you can never have? Isn’t it too ironic to finally fall in love with someone that is totally the opposite of the one you have dreamed of and ending up falling hard?

I’ve been trying so hard to comprehend the kind of love story that I have but to no avail I’m still here looking for that one, even just one logical explanation why though I know that everything is wrong, that this kind of set-up wouldn’t work and most specially that this person isn’t good for me I’m still not letting go.

Have I gone insane, perhaps just a little unwell?

I’ve been running full circles for quite sometime now, running away, escaping only to find out that I’m right where I have started… in his mercy.

If only I could forget about his smiles that probably wasn’t meant for me at all, if only I could forget about his sweetness that may not be genuine at all, if only I could shield myself from his promises that was nothing but empty words, if only…

I’ve been through hell and back, chasing demons or perhaps trying to run away from them these past few days. It’s been such a long time since I’ve gone looking out for peace until somehow my weary soul got tired of it. I’m tired and I seek rest but always in my solitude I find him there ‘till I’m back on the race, chasing demons or perhaps running away from them.

This is such a silly love story, a one big roller coaster ride but nevertheless appealing to the masochist that I am.

Probably, it's loving the thought of domesticating pain or perhaps just plain love. Whatever it is, it is so exhilarating yet exhausting. Sometimes I want to stop for awhile and rest until fear nags me, fear of losing him when in reality I’ve lost him a long time ago.

Thoughts of him forever haunt me like an elusive dream. It keeps on coming back. It’s like being in a time machine every now and then, back to the time when it felt so nice to be in his arms, back to place where only he and I existed, back to the days where his love is real or so I thought.

I just can’t seem to let go but there’s nothing left to hold on to. Afraid as I am to move on, I find myself at the edge of this cliff all bruised up and pained from this journey. Moving on means falling from this cliff or may be learning to fly and be free.

This silly love story has to come to its end.

In my solitary I found peace, I found rest…

…until I saw his face once more.

I’m back on the race again, chasing demons or perhaps running away from them.


.. Note: Got this from an email... not sure if it's really his story .. but the story is realistic and got some lesson to learn ..

.. I first heard this statemet : "I Love You Inspite Of" from a story/comment of my Business Law teacher in my 2nd College (Mr. Diosdado - i forgot the last name) way back in 1989 during valentine period too .. And, I've often used it since ..

The story of Joe D' Mango

Of course you've heard of Joe D'Mango. He gives advice on love and relationships on Wave 89.1 ( Philippines ) . Have you ever wondered what he does when he has his own love problems? Does he give advice to himself? Does he handle it very well?

Three Fridays ago, our guru on relationships, Joe d mango, read a letter to his wife on his popular radio program Love Notes. For the past 11 years, he had been giving advice to people who would write him letters about their personal problems. To the surprise of his listeners that Friday, instead of reading one of his usual letters, he read one that he had written himself to his wife Bing. Joe felt that he had to tell his listeners that even someone like him could go through a marital crisis, but that he survived it.

In our 11 years of marriage it was just the two of us. I never had a close circle of friends and she never had one either. Life for us was just "you and me," day in and day out. We were literally sleeping beside each other for 11 years. It came to a point that there was nothing more interesting to talk about. I was aware I was doing that but I never did anything about it. We were so close yet it seemed like we were so distant.

Then came her new circle of friends. They recently had an elementary and high school reunion. Remember her persistent suitor since elementary days? He was there. We already had four daughters and the guy had four kids of his own. They exchanged phone numbers. They started to text each other and this bothered me. A big part of it was insecurity and other part was that she once denied that she was texting the guy. I felt bad because she started hiding things from me. Then the guy asked her if they could meet for lunch.

It became a source of tension between us. I finally agreed, but
before that, I told her that I felt that I was going through the same pain again. I have seen so many stories like this. If you told me the first part of the story I would already know where it would lead to.

Bing accused me of being a "know-it-all" person. But deep in my heart I knew where she was heading. Why would a married guy see a married girl unless it was for business or professional reasons? Finally, even if it was against my will, I drove her to the meeting place. While I was waiting at the radio station, I wanted to call her but I knew it wasn't proper. So I just waited for her to tell me how their meeting went.

When she related to me what happened I felt that she was keeping the other details. I was afraid to ask because I wasn't prepared to accept her answers. I told her that it woul d be best if that were their last meeting. She got mad and told me that I was starting to control her life.

The following day, I saw a small, torn piece of paper that had the words, "lose you" in the trashcan at home. I started picking up the pieces of paper and putting them together. She had written: "Felt sad because I felt that this will be our last meeting." "Wanted to hug you..." Before I could figure out what the third one was, Bing was already at my back. She wanted to get the torn pieces of paper back. She said it was private property. We decided to talk. By then, I was able to figure out the third line: "Not sure if afraid to lose you." She had crossed it out and beside it, she had written, "Wanted to cry." That was what hit me. How could you lose something that's not even with you yet? That was a confirmation that she was getting emotionally attached to the guy. We fought because she didn't want to admit it. She said that what she had written was all about friendship and not about love. For the first time in our
marriage she asked for freedom from me.

For 11 years we were always together, and now this. She had
discovered her own little world and wanted to explore it. I didn't
want to give it to her but finally I gave in. I told her that she
could do anything she wanted and not worry about how I would feel. In fact, I told her that I was planning to leave her and kids for a while so we could give each other the chance to be alone.

We decided to give the new arrangement a try. The following day, Thursday, I went to work early and she texted me. I never answered back. When I didn't respond, she called me. She said, "I'm sorry. I love you and I miss you." For the first time in our marriage I said, "I love you and I miss you too" with tears in my eyes. I realized how much I loved her but I also knew how much she wanted her freedom.

When I arrived at the station I asked for a leave. My boss advised me to think it over, but he said that he would allow me to go on leave. After letting it all out I felt relieved. It was the first time in my life that I asked for advice about our relationship. While I was talking with my boss, a messenger arrived with 12 white roses arranged in a basket. It came from Bing. Then a text message on my cellphone came, "I know that no material things can ease the pain that you're feeling right now, but these flowers signify my pure and sincere intentions. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." Still, a question continued to bug me: "I'm giving you the freedom. Will you choose to stay or go on?" I read the card, and it had the answer to my question: "Dear Dad, I finally realized that I made a very big
mistake in choosing a new found friendship at the expense of our long-time friendship. Please forgive me. I will always love you."

Bing called the guy and told him that she wanted to end the
friendship. He said that they could just text or call each other.
Bing said that there was no need. We had dinner and talked up to 1am. It was like getting married all over again. We lost each other and found our way back. I do not want to go through the same pain again.

Friday came and it was the first time in the history of Love Notes that I couldn't do Love Notes. I scheduled a replay. When I was at the station at 9am, I composed a letter to Bing. I was asking myself, should I read this or do a replay? I chose to read the letter.

It is not unusual to hear people say "I love you because..." but this story has shown us that the deeper and greater love is having to say "I LOVE YOU INSPITE OF.."

Happy Valentine to All!!!

Penumbral lunar eclipse

Actually this was the first lunar elipse that i saw...i was really fascinated so i wanted to share it with you...
The reflection of the earth on the moon was like looking at the earth from afar...

feb 9,2009


still full

look at the blue swirl

This was the climax

photo taken by A.Quizon

February 2009 lunar eclipse

A penumbral lunar eclipse took place last February 9, 2009, the first of four penumbral lunar eclipses in 2009. It will also be the deepest of the four. The eclipse will not be visible in the East coast of the United States, South America and southernmost Mexico, Western Africa and western Europe. Best visibility will be over most of Asia, the Western US, Mexico and throughout the Pacific region.This eclipse is the one of two short-lived parallel series:

Lunar year and Metonic cycles (354 days and 19 years)

The lunar year series repeats after 12 lunations or 354 days (Shifting back about 10 days in sequential years). Because of the date shift, the earth's shadow will be about 11 degrees west in sequential events.
The Metonic cycle repeats nearly exactly every 19 years and represents a Saros cycle plus one lunar year. Because it occurs on the same calendar date, the earth's shadow will in nearly the same location relative to the background stars.

March 14, 2006 - partial (Saros 113)
March 3, 2007 - total (Saros 123)
February 21, 2008 - total (Saros 133)
February 9, 2009 - penumbral (Saros 143)

From my inbox : A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home. He…

From my inbox :

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.

He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed:

"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please allow her body to switch with mine for a day. Amen.

God, in his infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish.

The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman, without any say about it...

He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home and picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to make a deposit, went grocery shopping, the n drove home to put away the groceries, paid the bills and balanced the checkbook.

He cleaned the cat's litter box and bathed the dog.

Then it was already 1 P.M. and he hurried to make the beds, do the laundry, vacuum, dust, and sweep and mop the kitchen floor.

Ran to the school to pick up the kids and got into an argument with them on the way home. Set out milk and cookies and got the kids organized to do their homework, then set up the ironing board and watched TV while he did the ironing.

At 4:30 he began peeling potatoes and washing vegetables for salad, breaded the pork chops and snapped fresh beans for supper.

After supper, he cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed.

At 9 P.M. he was exhausted and, though his daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed where he was expected to make love, which he managed to get through without complaint.

The next morning, he awoke and immediately knelt by the bed and said: Lord, I don't know what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my wife's being able to stay home all day.

Please, oh please, let us trade back."

The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, replied: "My son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I will be happy to change things back to the way they were.

You'll just have to wait nine months, though. You got pregnant last night."

valentines date or dream date or how u gonna spend ur day?

valentines day is approaching,,, do u have plans how to spend 4 dis day? or for some dis is just an ordinary day like the other. well, valentines day is still a dedicated day to show how we love our family, friends and mostly someone really special.. or still were wishing to be that special someone.. we always dream to have a "perfect date on valentines day". now is the chance to tell what u really wants.

if ill be given a chance to have that perfect date what would it be??????

------ mine will be to spend the whole day w/ him. to spend the day talking, laughing, chasing one another, not too romantic but just a bonding time. i really miss it. dis past months were too bc doing stuff. what i wish is to b with dien again, simple but it will be remembered through.

and how about u?
do u feel that love is in the air?
share ur love...
share what u feel n whom u want to share that..

If you want to win her heart....

*compliment her on her hair(but not too often).
*Meet her from work,Spontaneously.
*Hold the door open.
*Tell her she has a nice smile.
*Never look at other women.
*Don't ever think about it.
*Give up smoking.
*Send chocolates once in a while,or twice or trice in a while.
*Learn to bake and bake her a cake.
*Don't leave your socks on the floor.
*Turn the football off and ask her for a chat.
*Don't bite your nails.
*Plan a surprise holiday to somewhere romantic.
*Don't laugh when she cries at a weepy movies.
*Offer her the last dumpling before you eat it.
*Remember the names of her best friends.
*Drink less.
*Keep track of who said what to do and when they said it.
*Don't flip channels.
*Remember to shave.
*When she asks"Do I look different?" know the reason why.
*Put her before a night out with the lads.
*Make space in your wardrobe for more of her shoes.
*Lose the beer belly.
*Remember her favorite film.
*And watch it with her.
*Admit you're wrong even you think you are right.

..............sorry guys it's a one way street only......but just try it and for sure you will know that it's worth trying..... for the one you really LOVE......



The Industrial Engineering Certification Exam (CIE, 1st Batch) given by the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers National has been postponed and moved to May 23, 2009. Application is now open and will run until April 30, 2009. The HAU Industrial Engineering community encourages all its graduates to submit to this voluntary process for professional validation and career advancement.

Type of test: Multiple Choice
No. of items: 200
Time: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Venue: U.P. Diliman
Results: July - August 2009

You must be a member of the PIIE National to qualify for the exam.

Membership Fee: P1,500 for professionals / P500 for student registrants
Examination Fee: P500

Review sessions will be held every Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00 pm starting February 14, 2009 at Holy Angel University.

For more details on application procedures, review and scope/coverage of exam, visit or contact the following:

Prof. Lani Cabrera, PIE (IE Department Chairperson)

Rein de Leon (PIIE-HAU President 06-07):
Mobile: 0917.945.9400
Yahoo! Messenger: rein_dl

Please forward this email to all your HAU IE batchmates and friends. Thank you and Godbless.



Have you under gone an experienced where in you fell in love and yet you didn’t understand why? Have you experienced having an indescribable feeling with someone you just met for the first time? Have you felt that you know a certain person on your first encounter and felt an intuition that you had met him/her before? Have you had a romantic dream of a person you haven’t even met? What could be the reason of all these?
Jaime Licauco, the country’s foremost authority on mind development, paranormal phenomena and Philippine mysticism explains that these are signs of an encounter with your soul mate. But what is a SOUL MATE?
Famed astrologer Linger Goodman calls a soul mate “the other half of your self whose personal aura blends harmoniously with yours.” And Ouspensky stated, “When such type meets, the result is a case of ideal and eternal love which gives material to poets of thousand years.” One western esoteric group, claiming messages from the Great White Brotherhood, describes soul mates as two souls who “share the same blueprint of identity.” According to his view, “Soul mates are two souls on the same side of polarity yet in male and female bodies, they come together because they are working on the same charka simultaneously. “So soul mates have an attraction that is based on the sacred labor and on the path of self-mastery. A soul mate is like the echo oneself in matter working at the same task to fulfill a blueprint of God.
When soul mates meet what happens?
Soul mates meet when it is time for them to meet. What is crucial is the inner feeling of recognition of both parties that they are meant for each other and that this is felt in an absolutely categorical manner. In a soul mate encounter, there are hardly “if” and “but”, although the lower intellect or reason may struggle against it. Also when soul mates meet, the atmosphere becomes magnetically charged. When one is feeling ill the other feels the same. (For example the one has a headache the other one has it, too.)
The physical attraction between soul mates is very strong, but it is not predominant or primary consideration. It is a means towards the higher goals of spiritual unity, never an end to itself.
What happen when soul mates are together?
When soul mates come together, a magical moment that is hard to explain takes place. They feel very comfortable, at ease, and relaxed with each other. They feel this in the deepest recesses of their beings. They feel a great soothing sensation even while just being near to each other.
Does soul mates have physical/sexual contacts?
Yes. Actually when soul mates contact physically/sexually, the act itself is never exhausting. On the contrary, it is very energizing and relaxing no matter how long the lovemaking last. When soul mates make love, the entire universe sings with them. The cosmic heaven brings forth a symphony until the climax is reached.
Is there a need to search for one's soul mate?
One never consciously seeks out one's soul mate, however, the soul mates finds you. He or she merely appears in one's life when the right time and circumstances come. It will therefore do nobody any good to worry about how or where to fine one's soul mate.
How will one recognize his/her soul mate?
When soul mates meet, there exist from the very beginning an instant recognition of each other stemming from the core of their beings and this recognition has an aura of certain that defies logic. This is commonly known as "love at first sight". One simply knows he has met the girl before, though he may not remember when and where. And when she speaks he recognizes her voice from the dim past. Her movements, gestures, mannerisms are all too familiar to him. Even the feel on her hand when they touch has a certain familiarity to it. He is certain he has heard voice before, and kissed lips before. And the feeling is definitely mutual, no matter how they may at first try to hide it.
How many soul mates can a person have?
There can only be one soul mate for each person because only one individual can be a perfect partner at all levels of his or her being and only one individual (which is the other half) can share exactly the same pattern of soul evolution and destiny.
But soul mates, do you mean a partner in life? Do you think most couples are soul mates?
Legally speaking, soul mates may not be partners in life. And more often than not, they may not be married to each other. That is, perhaps, the reason why many marriages flounder. But when it is time for soul mates to meet, no forces on earth can separate the two from each other.
It was mentioned that each of us has a soul mate, how about the priests, monks, nuns and single persons? What about those with two wives or husbands?
A soul mate is one whose soul pattern is similar to yours and with whom you are linked through their owned choice.
In a given lifetime, a man or woman may have to work out certain relationships to balance off karmic consequence of previous actions. He or she may have chosen to be alone as a celibate monk or nun in this lifetime. Remember that that one lifetime is but a wink of an eye compared to eternity.
Furthermore, soul mates connote relationship transcending the physical dimension. One may be in physical contact with one’s soul mate in a given life time for one reason or another, but such a partner exists nevertheless. Soul mates may meet again in some other incarnation when the time is right for such meeting to take place.
Those who have multiple meaningful partners e.g. several wives or husbands may have several karmic debts with various individuals. Such will, must have to be resolved in order to pave way for a life with one’s true soul partner in a future lifetime.

Lifted from the book of

From my Inbox : TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1950's, 60' s, 70's and early 80's !! First,…

From my Inbox :

1950's, 60' s, 70's and early 80's !!

First, some of us survived being born to mothers who did not have an OB-Gyne and drank San Miguel Beer while they carried us.

While pregnant, they took cold or cough medicine, ate isaw,and didn't worry about diabetes.

Then after all that trauma, our baby cribs were made of hard wood covered with lead-based paints, pati na yung walker natin, matigas na kahoy din at wala pang gulong.

We had no soft cushy cribs that play music, no disposable diapers (lampin lang), ang gatas ay darigold o liberty kondensada lang. And when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, no kneepads , sometimes wala pang preno yung bisikleta.

As children, we would ride in hot un-airconditioned buses with wooden seats (yung JD bus na pula, love bus ni imelda, dangwa papuntang baguio or yellow na la mallorca ),or cars with no airconditioning & no seat belts (ngayon lahat may aircon na)

Riding on the back of a carabao on a breezy summer day was considered a treat.(ngayon hindi na nakakakita ng kalabaw ang mga bata at hindi alam ang sarap ng lasa ng mainit na sinangag na binuhusan ng gatas ng kalabaw at binudburan ng konting asin)

We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle purchased from 711 ( minsan straight from the faucet or poso).

We shared one soft drink bottle with four of our friends, and NO ONE actually died from this.Or contacted hepatitis. Pag nagluto ng sampelot o lelut balatung para merienda ang kapitbahay ay siguradong patitikman ka. At dati ay gandus na may ngungut at asukal pwedeng pwede na pero ngayon pa macdo macdo o jollibee ay kulang pa.

We ate rice with star margarine, drank raw eggs straight from the shell, and drank sofdrinks with real sugar in it (hindi diet coke), but we weren't sick or overweight kasi nga......


We would leave home in the morning and play all day, and get back when the streetlights came on. Sarap mag patintero, tumbang preso , habulan at taguan.

No one was able to reach us all day( di uso ang cellphone , walang beepers ). And yes, we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our wooden trolleys (yung bearing ang gulong) or plywood slides out of scraps and then ride down the street, only to find out we forgot the brakes! After hitting the sidewalk or falling into a canal (sewerage channel) a few times, we learned to solve the problem ourselves with our bare & dirty hands .

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 100 channels on cable, no DVD movies, no surround stereo, no IPOD's, no cellphones, no computers, no Internet, no chat rooms, and no Friendsters. ...... ...WE HAD REAL FRIENDS and we went outside to actually talk and play with them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no stupid lawsuits from these accidents.The only rubbing we get is from our friends with the words..masakit ba ? pero pag galit yung kalaro mo,,,,ang sasabihin sa iyo..beh buti nga !

We played marbles (jolens) in the dirt , washed our hands just a little and ate dirty ice cream & fish balls (nakaka miss yung mainit na balitug sa labas ng gate ng Holy sa tabi ng simbahan). We were not afraid of getting germs in our stomachs.

We had to live with homemade guns " gawa sa kahoy, tinali ng rubberband , sumpit , tirador at kung ano ano pa na puedeng makasakitan. ..pero masaya pa rin ang lahat. (naalala nyo ba yung paglalaro natin ng sipa pag recess sa corridor ng Saint Joseph Hall )

We made up games with sticks ( syoto ), and cans ( tumbang preso )and although we were told they were dangerous, wala naman tayong binulag o napatay.paminsan minsan may nabubukulan lang.

We walked, rode bikes, or took tricycles to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them to jump out the window!

Mini basketball teams had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't pass had to learn to deal with the disappointment. Wala yang mga childhood depression at damaged self esteem ek-ek na yan. Ang pikon, talo.

Ang magulang ay nandoon lang para tignan kung ayos lang ang mga bata, hindi para makialam at makipag-away sa ibang parents.

That generation of ours has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers, creative thinkers and successful professionals ever! They are the CEO's, Engineers, Doctors and Military Generals of today.

The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

We had failure, success, and responsibility. We learned from our mistakes the hard way.

You might want to share this with others who've had the luck to grow up as real kids. We were lucky indeed.

And if you like, forward it to your kids too, so they will know how brave their parents were.

It kind of makes you wanna go out and climb a tree, doesn't it?!

AAAHHHH,ang bilis ng panahon and it's been ages since I had a last glimpse of my alma mater and how I wish I could set foot again to my old Holy Angel dear and recall the good old memories left behind....

From my inbox : TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1950's, 60' s, 70's and early 80's !! First, …

1950's, 60' s, 70's and early 80's !!

First, some of us survived being born to mothers who did not have an OB-Gyne and drank San Miguel Beer while they carried us.

While pregnant, they took cold or cough medicine, ate isaw,and didn't worry about diabetes.

Then after all that trauma, our baby cribs were made of hard wood covered with lead-based paints, pati na yung walker natin, matigas na kahoy din at wala pang gulong.

We had no soft cushy cribs that play music, no disposable diapers (lampin lang), at gatas ay darigold o kaya'y liberty kondensada. And when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, nokneepads , sometimes wala pang preno yung bisikleta.

As children, we would ride in hot un-airconditioned buses with wooden seats (yung JD bus na pula or yung yellow na la mallorca),or cars with no airconditioning & no seat belts (ngayon lahat may aircon na)

Riding on the back of a carabao on a breezy summer day was considered a treat.(ngayon hindi na nakakakita ng kalabaw ang mga bata)

We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle purchased from 711 ( minsan straight from the faucet or poso).

We shared one soft drink bottle with four of our friends, and NO ONE actually died from this.Or contacted hepatitis.

We ate rice with star margarine, drank raw eggs straight from the shell, and drank sofdrinks with real sugar in it (hindi diet coke), but we weren't sick or overweight kasi nga......


We would leave home in the morning and play all day, and get back when the streetlights came on. Sarap mag patintero, tumbang preso , habulan at taguan.

No one was able to reach us all day( di uso ang cellphone , walang beepers ). And yes, we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our wooden trolleys (yung bearing ang gulong) or plywood slides out of scraps and then ride down the street, only to find out we forgot the brakes! After hitting the sidewalk or falling into a canal (sewerage channel) a few times, we learned to solve the problem ourselves with our bare & dirty hands .

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 100 channels on cable, no DVD movies, no surround stereo, no IPOD's, no cellphones, no computers, no Internet, no chat rooms, and no Friendsters. ...... ...WE HAD REAL FRIENDS and we went outside to actually talk and play with them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no stupid lawsuits from these accidents.The only rubbing we get is from our friends with the words..masakit ba ? pero pag galit yung kalaro mo,,,,ang sasabihin sa iyo..beh buti nga !

We played marbles (jolens) in the dirt , washed our hands just a little and ate dirty ice cream & fish balls. we were not afraid of getting germs in our stomachs.

We had to live with homemade guns " gawa sa kahoy, tinali ng rubberband , sumpit , tirador at kung ano ano pa na puedeng makasakitan. ..pero masaya pa rin ang lahat.

We made up games with sticks ( syoto ), and cans ( tumbang preso )and although we were told they were dangerous, wala naman tayong binulag o napatay.paminsan minsan may nabubukulan lang.

We walked, rode bikes, or took tricycles to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them to jump out the window!

Mini basketball teams had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't pass had to learn to deal with the disappointment. Wala yang mga childhood depression at damaged self esteem ek-ek na yan. Ang pikon, talo.

Ang magulang ay nandoon lang para tignan kung ayos lang ang mga bata, hindi para makialam at makipag-away sa ibang parents.

That generation of ours has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers, creative thinkers and successful professionals ever! They are the CEO's, Engineers, Doctors and Military Generals of today.

The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

We had failure, success, and responsibility. We learned from our mistakes the hard way.

You might want to share this with others who've had the luck to grow up as real kids. We were lucky indeed.

And if you like, forward it to your kids too, so they will know how brave their parents were.

It kind of makes you wanna go out and climb a tree, doesn't it?!

Hi To all Angelians!!!

Hi To all Angelians!!! kip in touch am new dying to see you all again batchm8s..faculties..classm8s especially former st.timothy 06-07 of hs department!!! add me up and leave me a msg tnx.

Married and Single

One huge thing that has changed in the past four years about my views of marriage is my comfortableness with my single status. Maybe because I’ve entered into this weird stage of life where everyone around me is getting married, but I have to admit that a large part of me would like to be soon getting to this stage myself. I want to feel that completion with having someone I love as (or more than) myself. I want to settle and put my time, energy, and devotion into one woman. It sounds cheesy to say that I want to grow old with someone, but what I want is someone to brave the crazy adventures of life with. I know I’ve still got a lot of things about myself that I’m working on and can only expect the same from her, but I’m up for the challenge of figuring it all out together.

I don’t just want attention from a lady, I’ve discovered that while it may be fun to flirt and kiss, it’s incredibly empty if there’s not something behind it. I’m anxious to know a woman beyond those things so that every kiss and every touch become a shared expression of feelings instead of just a momentarily fun, but ultimately meaningless, action.

I really think that love and marriage is a great thing and that I understand the intensity and compromise that comes with it all. But at the same time, I don’t want to be foolish. I know that being single brings a great deal of advantages that I won’t be able to find when I fall in love and marry. I’ve got to appreciate what I’ve got now. But it’s hard. I never want to settle on a woman, but occasionally wonder how long I will have to wait to find one I won't have to settle for.

As romantic as a guy wants to be, I don’t believe that there’s “the one”. I don’t believe that destiny is going to deliver my one and only soulmate into my lap. I believe that some ladies are better for me than others, and I only believe that there are a few out there somewhere that I would consider perfect for me. I believe in soulmates, not soulmate. It’s finding one of those soulmates that’s the hard part.

I am anxious for love, but I’m also thankful for the singleness I have today. I look forward to finding a soulmate, and loving her with all that I am able. Though I may not know who she is now, part of me stills wants to be loyal to her. There are certain things that I’d like to share with her and save for her to know. I wonder if it’s possible for me to love her without even knowing her?

I’m not sure if idealize love and marriage, or if I’m very realistic about it. I just know that this is what I really think about it.
