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Sunday, March 15, 2009



Have you under gone an experienced where in you fell in love and yet you didn’t understand why? Have you experienced having an indescribable feeling with someone you just met for the first time? Have you felt that you know a certain person on your first encounter and felt an intuition that you had met him/her before? Have you had a romantic dream of a person you haven’t even met? What could be the reason of all these?
Jaime Licauco, the country’s foremost authority on mind development, paranormal phenomena and Philippine mysticism explains that these are signs of an encounter with your soul mate. But what is a SOUL MATE?
Famed astrologer Linger Goodman calls a soul mate “the other half of your self whose personal aura blends harmoniously with yours.” And Ouspensky stated, “When such type meets, the result is a case of ideal and eternal love which gives material to poets of thousand years.” One western esoteric group, claiming messages from the Great White Brotherhood, describes soul mates as two souls who “share the same blueprint of identity.” According to his view, “Soul mates are two souls on the same side of polarity yet in male and female bodies, they come together because they are working on the same charka simultaneously. “So soul mates have an attraction that is based on the sacred labor and on the path of self-mastery. A soul mate is like the echo oneself in matter working at the same task to fulfill a blueprint of God.
When soul mates meet what happens?
Soul mates meet when it is time for them to meet. What is crucial is the inner feeling of recognition of both parties that they are meant for each other and that this is felt in an absolutely categorical manner. In a soul mate encounter, there are hardly “if” and “but”, although the lower intellect or reason may struggle against it. Also when soul mates meet, the atmosphere becomes magnetically charged. When one is feeling ill the other feels the same. (For example the one has a headache the other one has it, too.)
The physical attraction between soul mates is very strong, but it is not predominant or primary consideration. It is a means towards the higher goals of spiritual unity, never an end to itself.
What happen when soul mates are together?
When soul mates come together, a magical moment that is hard to explain takes place. They feel very comfortable, at ease, and relaxed with each other. They feel this in the deepest recesses of their beings. They feel a great soothing sensation even while just being near to each other.
Does soul mates have physical/sexual contacts?
Yes. Actually when soul mates contact physically/sexually, the act itself is never exhausting. On the contrary, it is very energizing and relaxing no matter how long the lovemaking last. When soul mates make love, the entire universe sings with them. The cosmic heaven brings forth a symphony until the climax is reached.
Is there a need to search for one's soul mate?
One never consciously seeks out one's soul mate, however, the soul mates finds you. He or she merely appears in one's life when the right time and circumstances come. It will therefore do nobody any good to worry about how or where to fine one's soul mate.
How will one recognize his/her soul mate?
When soul mates meet, there exist from the very beginning an instant recognition of each other stemming from the core of their beings and this recognition has an aura of certain that defies logic. This is commonly known as "love at first sight". One simply knows he has met the girl before, though he may not remember when and where. And when she speaks he recognizes her voice from the dim past. Her movements, gestures, mannerisms are all too familiar to him. Even the feel on her hand when they touch has a certain familiarity to it. He is certain he has heard voice before, and kissed lips before. And the feeling is definitely mutual, no matter how they may at first try to hide it.
How many soul mates can a person have?
There can only be one soul mate for each person because only one individual can be a perfect partner at all levels of his or her being and only one individual (which is the other half) can share exactly the same pattern of soul evolution and destiny.
But soul mates, do you mean a partner in life? Do you think most couples are soul mates?
Legally speaking, soul mates may not be partners in life. And more often than not, they may not be married to each other. That is, perhaps, the reason why many marriages flounder. But when it is time for soul mates to meet, no forces on earth can separate the two from each other.
It was mentioned that each of us has a soul mate, how about the priests, monks, nuns and single persons? What about those with two wives or husbands?
A soul mate is one whose soul pattern is similar to yours and with whom you are linked through their owned choice.
In a given lifetime, a man or woman may have to work out certain relationships to balance off karmic consequence of previous actions. He or she may have chosen to be alone as a celibate monk or nun in this lifetime. Remember that that one lifetime is but a wink of an eye compared to eternity.
Furthermore, soul mates connote relationship transcending the physical dimension. One may be in physical contact with one’s soul mate in a given life time for one reason or another, but such a partner exists nevertheless. Soul mates may meet again in some other incarnation when the time is right for such meeting to take place.
Those who have multiple meaningful partners e.g. several wives or husbands may have several karmic debts with various individuals. Such will, must have to be resolved in order to pave way for a life with one’s true soul partner in a future lifetime.

Lifted from the book of

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