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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Married and Single

One huge thing that has changed in the past four years about my views of marriage is my comfortableness with my single status. Maybe because I’ve entered into this weird stage of life where everyone around me is getting married, but I have to admit that a large part of me would like to be soon getting to this stage myself. I want to feel that completion with having someone I love as (or more than) myself. I want to settle and put my time, energy, and devotion into one woman. It sounds cheesy to say that I want to grow old with someone, but what I want is someone to brave the crazy adventures of life with. I know I’ve still got a lot of things about myself that I’m working on and can only expect the same from her, but I’m up for the challenge of figuring it all out together.

I don’t just want attention from a lady, I’ve discovered that while it may be fun to flirt and kiss, it’s incredibly empty if there’s not something behind it. I’m anxious to know a woman beyond those things so that every kiss and every touch become a shared expression of feelings instead of just a momentarily fun, but ultimately meaningless, action.

I really think that love and marriage is a great thing and that I understand the intensity and compromise that comes with it all. But at the same time, I don’t want to be foolish. I know that being single brings a great deal of advantages that I won’t be able to find when I fall in love and marry. I’ve got to appreciate what I’ve got now. But it’s hard. I never want to settle on a woman, but occasionally wonder how long I will have to wait to find one I won't have to settle for.

As romantic as a guy wants to be, I don’t believe that there’s “the one”. I don’t believe that destiny is going to deliver my one and only soulmate into my lap. I believe that some ladies are better for me than others, and I only believe that there are a few out there somewhere that I would consider perfect for me. I believe in soulmates, not soulmate. It’s finding one of those soulmates that’s the hard part.

I am anxious for love, but I’m also thankful for the singleness I have today. I look forward to finding a soulmate, and loving her with all that I am able. Though I may not know who she is now, part of me stills wants to be loyal to her. There are certain things that I’d like to share with her and save for her to know. I wonder if it’s possible for me to love her without even knowing her?

I’m not sure if idealize love and marriage, or if I’m very realistic about it. I just know that this is what I really think about it.


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