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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

HAU (Angel Wing & Angelian) Bags DSPC tilts; qualify RSPC

A dozen Angelian and Angel Wings staffers won individual awards; seven of which earned their tickets to the Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC) 2014 in the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) 2014 Awarding Ceremonies held on September 23, 2014 at the Gabaldon Building, Angeles City.
Six staffers of the Angelian, the official high school student publication, received their Certificates of Recognition before hundreds of student-journalists and scores of school paper advisers in the Division of Angeles during the awarding ceremonies that occurred shortly after lunchtime. Three of the Angelian staffers were awarded medals and were able to qualify in the RSPC Individual Contests Secondary Level on October 30, 2014 at the Gabaldon Building by the virtue placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Namely: Drego Miguel Calbang – 1st place, Editorial Catooning (Filipino Category); Erleen Ces Julao – 2nd place, Copyreading and Headline Writing (Filipino Category); Abelardo Cortez, Jr. – 3rd place, Science Writing (Filipino Category); Therese Joy Waje - 4th place, Feature Writing (Filipino); Jhuniella Aira Salalac - 4th place, Feature Writing (English Category); and Angelo Luisse Gonzales, 4th place – Photojournalism (English Category).
Another six staffers of the Angel Wings, the official Laboratory Elementary School Pupil Publication, were hailed as winners in the primary level. Four will represent the Division of Angeles in the RSPC Individual Contests Elementary Level on October 29, 2014. The top primary level scribes are: Kyla Abihay – 1st place, News Writing (Filipino Category); Kyla Isabel Valencia – 3rd, News Writing (English Category); Arianne Chellie Flores – 3rd place, Editorial Writing (English Category); Julienne Somera – 3rd place, Sports Writing (English Category); Shemuelle Abenes – 4th place, Feature Writing (Filipino Category); and Mirella Cena – 5th place, Feature Writing (English Category).
The twelve bested other student-contestants from other public and private schools in Angeles City by writing under their respective individual categories during the contest proper held in various venues at Angeles Elementary School right after the opening ceremonies on September 18, 2014.
Fourth and fifth placers will be put on standby and will represent the Division in place of the top three winners in case the latter cannot make it in the RSPC.
The medallist scribes and their respective teacher coaches are set to attend an intensive training to be organized by the Division of Angeles in preparing for the RSPC on October 20, 2014 also at the Gabaldon Building.
The Basic Education Department student-writers are coached by the following School Paper Advisers (SPA): Mr. Alvin Santos (Angelian co-moderator, English); Mr. Robin Angelo Taruc (Angelian co-moderator, Filipino); Ms. Annalisa Nunag (Angel Wings co-moderator, English); and Ms. Naomi Villanueva (Angel Wings co-moderator, English).
Republic Act 7079, otherwise known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991, provides legal basis for holding the Division, Regional, and National Schools Press Conferences in the country. In the RSPC, ten regional bets are awarded but only the top three winners qualify for the national leg of the journalism competitions, where top ten of the country’s finest student – journalists (SJ) are recognized as the best for the school year.

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