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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10 best 10 minutes of my life (so far)...=)

Posted by jhoanna mariekar

10. Performance @ Royal Duty Free
That 10 mins of formation and music was all so fun. I remember how little we were when we faced the different schools for the drum and Lyre bugle corp. competition. That same performance is the very first instance that I realized how hard my family would go just to show their support.

9. Squall at Fontana
Who would have thought that a warm, perfect, and fun summer get away with high school friends will be surprised by a storm? Well, that almost 10minute storm at Fontana Leisure Park was amazing. Imagine seeing your friends battling against rough wind and cold rain. I even remember having a wound on my right hand for trying to save the big umbrella from flying and leaving all of our stuff wet. It was a nice experience as we were able to prove that friendship can hurdle the storm. 8years of friendship would attest to that…

8. Munching with my chummies.
The first time I ate with PHC at our house. The 10minutes of munching that ever famous KFC chicken steak was great. That day was the first day when Mama had professed her love for my PHC chummies. That day, my friends had become my sisters and brothers. A friendship that is bound to last a lifetime.
PHC…this is also the first day when we were scolded by Mama for going home all wet in the rain because all of us have no umbrella. Now you know bakit pare pareho kaming may umbrella as soon as Mama get to Hong Kong.hehe

7. Assertion of Commitment
The first time I stepped at Trinidad Village Clubhouse. That experience was amazing! I remember Pappie asking me this question during the fellowship…”What do you think is the main thing that Satan is using agains you?”…I proudly answered PRIDE…at last…after almost 2decades of life, I was able to admit my weakness. That 10minute of profession and acceptance of my weakness opened my way towards total commitment.

6. Conversation with Pare
Maybe this you don’t know Pare…that conversation we had @ 3rd Floor of MGN was superb. I even remember how relieved I was after hearing your stories. That conversation gave me the certainty and clarifications I’ve been wanting for two years after we decided to step out of our jeep. I can say, that was one of the most perfect and meaningful conversation I had, ever. Worth including it in this list! haha

5. Aldo ning Parangal
February 24, 2009.
My first ever project with my future Companeros and Companeras…would you imagine embarrassing your self in front of all the judges and lawyers of Pampanga? Here’s the story, I was asked to be in charge of the sound system for the pre-program of the Awarding ceremony, and I caused all the guests to stand still for almost 5minutes of waiting for the national anthem to play. The lap top won’t work!!! The remaining 5minutes was all time of stares and blush.I even wanted to evaporate from that room because of embarrassment…Haha…but it is still one of the best 10minutes of my life, imagine making a big mess while everyone tries to be on their best because the President is coming! now I had proven that I love attention...haha

4. Conversation with JTL
May 11, 2009
Among all the lawyers here at VLHT, it is Atty. De Leon who we seldom see. He only comes to the office once a week thus having not much of an opportunity to hear from him. Anyway, one Monday morning, I was asked by the manager to come to JTL’s office because according to her, he wants to talk to me. All the while I thought he wanted to talk about the fact that I am already hired as a legal clerk. But I was wrong; instead, he extended his congratulations for me. According to him, he heard the news that I graduated as Magna Cum Laude for a course that he like…it was such joy to be appreciated by one of the BIG names in the legal profession, particularly in Labor. He even gave me an amount of money as reward…hihihi

3. The search for the blue lollipop
Believe me, among all the events listed here, this one maybe is the most immature. There is this Mr. Event (only few would know who this person is) whom I became close with once upon a time (haha). We became friends and we decided to give one gift for each other, he requested for something purple which some after time I was able to give. When his turn to give me something “blue” he told me he’ll just give me blue lollipop. That was just a joke for me though he spent some of his time searching for that one. One day he sent me a SMS asking me to meet up with him, so I did. (madali akong kausap!haha) we were just walking from store to store looking for that blue lollipop. He even faked a story with the baffled store keepers explaining why I am “yearning” for it. Anyway, it is pathetic but I enjoyed that 10minute walk with you…in case you don’t know.,haha…time to move on….to the next on the list>>>hehe

2. On foot as Magna Cum Laude
April 18, 2009
Who wouldn’t be happy to walk on a beautiful theater hall as a Magna Cum Laude? Well, more than the pride and joy I feel for myself, that moment is a special instance for my family, for Mama and Mommy Carmen especially. Walking through the isle, waiting for my name be called, receiving my medals (one I didn’t expect honestly), having Mama and Mommy put the medals, and walking again with all the faculty members and graduates staring at my proud family, the experience was magnificent. No words can describe how happy I was to make my family so proud of me.

1. The future BAR Topnotcher
May 30, 2009
This day, I had an admission interview at AUF Law School. I was seated in front of a panel all have their own names established in the legal profession; Dean of AUF Law, Judge Acosta, Atty. Angeles. Before I entered the room, I was so nervous, but that changed after I received a warm smile form Atty. Angeles.
The interview went well, they were commending me for a good grades in college and all, but one thing that I’ll never forget is when Judge Acosta said these wonderful lines…
“Well, I can’t say much, sitting in front of me is a FUTURE BAR TOPNOTCHER…I can see it.”
Wow! honestly, it is my goal really, to be Topnotcher…and he seconded my claim with that prophecy…an assurance that I am on the right path.
Atty. Jhoanna Mariekar Victoriano-de Guzman, on her way to the Legal world…see you folks!

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