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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

message from "Help save a life, help Dondon Lanuza" on facebook

Posted by reggie jose

Reggie Jose sent a message to the members of Help save a life, help Dondon Lanuza !

Subject: MESSAGE

Dear Friends,

Today, I'm very pleased to announce we have achieved our target of 100 members in less than one month ! Membership continue to grow everyday and I'm overwhelmed by your expression of support and certainly appreciate your efforts and contributions to realize our objective. However, we all know the ultimate goal to secure the release of Dondon from prison and save him from execution is far from over. Perhaps one wonders how can one save a life by just clicking a button in a tiny box. The truth is i dont exactly know how far this initiative can go but what is important is you have taken that first step and showed that you care. I must tell that not only few times did Dondon called, texted and sent me e-mails appealing for help and narrating the negligence , incompetence and apathy of certain government officials particularly DFA and Embassy Officials. It is in this context that I initiated to create this group hoping to gather sufficient numbers to make the concerned authorities up to the highest office of the land to listen and take notice and due action. Thus it is in this regard that i am again seeking your continuous support to invite more members to join knowing only too well that if we do our best, God will do the rest!

Maraming maraming salamat po !

Reggie Jose

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