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Saturday, September 5, 2009


Posted by Joseph A. Quiambao

April 7, 2009 was the day mixed of emotions for me, i'll be away from my family, friends, and activities which i used to do in the Philippines on board to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It was the first time i'll be that literally far away back home.
This is not about my story. This is all about being temporal, wanderers and visitors here on earth.

When will be the day that we will die? are you afraid to die?Probably these are the least asked questions whether in formal or informal conversations.

My answer is we will die the moment we are born in this world. The irony of life and death as I have observed it is that, when a child is born he/she is crying and the people around him are in deep joy. When a man dies he is at peace whatever the kind of death it was and people around him are in deep pain. So ironic.

Death or dying is a form of leaving. Leaving this temporal world. Leaving love ones and physically absent that is.
Can death separate us from God who is the author of Life? Definitely NO! but sins do. Since from the beginning sins resulted walls between man and God. The lord our God is merciful and gracious that, He is always running towards us. For it is by grace we have been saved through faith, not by works so that we will not boast, it is a GIFT from GOD. Let us get the Word GIFT meaning freely given. For God so LOVE the world that He gave His only begotten son. what a GOD we have! He laid down His only son for us... sinners.

Let us join our Father in heaven for we were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Father, I am a sinner, i sinned against you. Please forgive me and make me new. My Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ come into my life, live inside my heart and transform me into something new. make me your own and I will follow you. Amen

My brother Gener Paulo "sam, samboy" Austria Quiambao died at a very young age of 23 on Spetember 4, 2009. A young age to leave this beautiful world. But who are we to tell where and when we will die? As I said, the moment we have given birth by our mothers we will die. He is now resting in the arms of our God and we will surely be with him in heaven for we all believe to the one he has believed and served, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Rest with him my brother, praise Him, sing for him. For we are all made to worship HIM.

With this kind of sudden death by our love ones, let us be comforted by God.

Hosea 6:3
"Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to knowledge him. As surely as the sun rises he will appear; he will come to us like winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."

Let us just acknowledge our God. He knows better than us.

Sa lahat po ng mga nakiramay. Maraming, maraming salamat po.

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