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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You are a special in God's eyes

Posted by Michele Palad Manalac

All things in this world can disappear, even the intangible things can disappear, like hope, peace, joy, happiness and so on…In times of my difficulty, either it can be financially, emotionally, or my surroundings…I always think… how many times I’ve survive all these difficulties? How many times, I’ve overcome all these things? Not with my strength alone…There is Someone who strengthens me. Gives me the spirit to move and be on my feet again when I fall down. All these times He’s been there for me, and continues to take care of me….A lot of times I’m too stubborn to listen to Him, and forgets what He has done….I am blessed many times and forgiven many times. I’m renewed each day. Whenever my own strength fails me. He never fails me, He never leaves me, and He always hears my cry, my pain, and my troubles. H e sees me every second of the day. He loves me for being me, but not the things that I do that displeases Him. He loves me even before I was born.. He created me in His own Image and likeness. He is in me the day I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. Even though I’m not perfect in many ways…He sees my potential. He sees the goodness in me…He’s the only rightful judge and does not discriminate. He’s my redeemer, my creator, and my very best friend. He even calls me His sister….Oh What a Mighty God I serve... and His name stands out. An Amazing name and the most powerful, sweetest name of all. His name is Jesus Christ, the son of God, the savior of mankind… As I write this letter, I only think of His goodness He did for me. And I would like to share it to you so you could experience His Love that never cease, and never fails. Indeed we are living in a material world, but it’s no excuse not to give our best to live and to follow Jesus steps… To bring Him the glory and He should be alone be praise and be remembered. So thank you Lord for the continuous Love you showered upon me... and may it overflows to those who reads this letter and be a reminder, that He/She is not alone in this world, and was never alone in the first place….Just opening our hearts to Him, accepting Him to come into our lives, accepting He died for us so we can be save from the eternal death of Hades…The god of the underworld who was once the angel of the Lord, and He is known in different names. I am not afraid of death, I am not worried right now of what tomorrow will bring, because I can live one step at a time. My only worry is what will the Lord say to me, if I meet Him face to face? May I live bringing Him honor, and making Him proud. Making Him smile, and will finally say to me Welcome Home, my faithful one….So as I end my letter, I will continue to live for My Lord and not thinking for my only self…I’ll think and do what is due to Him, and continue to follow, what He has done for me. God bless you and May God’s will be done in my life, and yours too...Peace be with you my dear brothers and sisters in Christ…To God be the glory…

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