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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Posted by maria criselda victoriano de guzman

Thank you Holy Angel University for all your support to all deserving students thru your Scholarship programs.My daughter Jhoanna Mariekar Guzman was 1 of those students who benefit from those programs.She was a (50%)PTA SCHOLAR from 2nd year high school then became a full scholar until she graduated.She was included to upper 10% graduating students and got a 50% scholarship from APS SCHOLARSHIP GRANT for college.And there was a time the university was about to dissolve the scholarship but still thank you for listening to these student voices because you let them to continue their scholarship as long they maintain their grades.
And last April 18,2009 she graduated as Magna Cum Laude and there was no word to describe the joy the family felt.She achieved this success because you help her thru all those scholarship and again you are part of the success of our family.Thank you very much from the bottom of our heart!
Jhoanna is pursuing her dream to become a lawyer and right now she is already in a Law School and again with the help of the Academic Scholarship.Wherever she go she always bring with her the banner of our Alma Mater,Laus Deo Semper!!!!!
My son is also a Scholar of the university as part of the University Chorale.He is an Architecture student and again without your help even if they got talents and brain but without your scholarship it may be difficult for them to achieve their dreams,again thank you very much.

Soar High Angelian!!!!!!Make your Alma Mater Proud!!!!

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